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What are Some Common and Incorrect Myths about Flood Insurance?

If you are a property owner in the Memphis, TN area, it is crucial to ensure that you have the appropriate insurance in place at all times. One type of coverage that might be indispensable is flood insurance. In the course of your research, you may stumble upon several myths associated with flood insurance. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these common misconceptions about flood insurance.

Home Insurance will Cover Flood Damage.

One common myth associated with flood insurance is that it’s unnecessary as their home insurance plan will cover flood damage. However, this belief is often misplaced. While there might be some protection for flood damage in your home insurance, such coverage is typically rather limited and will not suffice in the event of a significant flood. Only a unique flood insurance plan will offer comprehensive coverage in such situations.

Those Outside of High-Risk Areas Don’t Need Coverage

FEMA has detailed flood maps that indicate areas prone to flood risks. While it is essential to have flood insurance if you reside in an area at high risk for floods, there remains a possibility of flooding even in low-risk areas. Consequently, considering your flood coverage options’s always a good idea.

Flood insurance can be a necessity for many people in the Memphis, TN area. Numerous misconceptions related to this coverage need to be debunked for better understanding. A great way to do this is by seeking assistance from our team at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. Our professionals are ready to help build a new plan and answer any questions you might have.

Which Family Members Need Life Insurance?

Considering which family members need life insurance can be uncomfortable for many people. Nevertheless, the best approach for making these decisions comes by considering each person’s financial contributions and obligations to the family. If you need help making life insurance decisions and live in or near Memphis, TN, consider working with our Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. team.

Insuring Family Members

Deciding which family members need life insurance involves considering their family role and the financial impact of their potential loss. The questions below can help determine whether specific family members should be insured and the estimated value of the needed insurance.

  • Breadwinners: Who are the family’s primary breadwinners? How would the family cope without their income?
  • Caretaker: Does the individual care for children, aging adults, or other family members? How much would it cost to pay others to substitute for their care?
  • Legacy: Is there a desire to leave money for the next generation?
  • Health: Is there a family history of health issues, or does a child have health issues that could affect their ability to acquire life insurance as an adult?
  • Final Expenses: Do you have the resources to pay the funeral and related expenses without insurance?
  • Business Partner: Is there a shared business interest with the individual? What is the business succession plan?
  • Debtor: Do you or your family members have debts, including to one another?

Answering each question and considering the financial implications of the answer will be helpful when deciding your insurance needs.

Working with Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc.

There are many reasons to insure family members’ lives. Our Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. team, serving the Memphis, TN, area, can help you make the decisions that meet your family’s needs. Call us today at (901) 754-3331 to schedule an appointment.

Clearing up Confusion About Renter’s Insurance Coverage

Unraveling Renter’s Insurance Mysteries

At Anthony Lancaster Insurance, Inc., we’re routinely asked about renter’s insurance. We encourage such inquiries because clarifying things now is better and avoiding unduly expensive settlements later. Specifically, for our Memphis, TN customers, we’re addressing some misconceptions about this crucial coverage:

What Renter’s Insurance Doesn’t Cover

As a tenant, certain aspects of your living environment are not your responsibility. Your renter’s insurance will not cover damage to windows, fixtures, walls, carpets, sinks, and toilets. The property owner’s insurance covers these.

Theft of your pet is another event renter’s insurance doesn’t compensate for, given that pets, although technically "property," have specific exclusion clauses in most policies.

If your furniture does not belong to you but to the actual premises’ owner, the policy won’t cover any costs incurred in replacing it. Lastly, the insurance doesn’t extend to other housemates; they require their own unique policies.

What Renter’s Insurance Does Cover

Renter’s insurance primarily safeguards most personal items you list on your policy against damage or theft, subject to your coverage’s defined terms.

However, high-value items like jewelry or rare coin collections might warrant a separate policy. The good news is that items such as clothing, games, books, or bedding typically fall under the scope of coverage.

Moreover, many policy types cover costs associated with temporary relocation, contingent on natural disaster coverage, which could offset some damage costs.

Seek Clarification!

Even though our concise guide simplifies the renter’s insurance understanding, nuances exist. Don’t hesitate to ask for more information. Contact Anthony Lancaster Insurance, Inc., committed to compassionate service in Memphis, TN.

Three Types of Coverage Your Auto Policy Should Include

The state requires people who own a car to have auto insurance. So, what does it protect you against? It includes several types of coverage that each protect you against different things. When you need auto insurance, we’re here to help. Give us a call at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. in Memphis, TN, to get started. 

Property Damage Liability

This type of coverage will pay for damage to someone else’s property after your vehicle has come into contact with it. Most people think of this as just damage to another person’s car. However, it can also cover plant damage, monument or building damage, etc. If you’re responsible for damaging another person’s property, your policy can pay for the repairs needed to that property. 

Bodily Injury Liability

This works much like property liability coverage, paying for the damage that someone else experiences. In this case, it’s the physical injuries that are covered. Even a wreck that isn’t that bad can lead to serious injuries. And just because injuries aren’t that bad, that doesn’t mean that they won’t be expensive to treat. It’s essential to have this coverage to pay the medical bills of another party when you’re legally responsible for paying it. 

Collision Coverage

This is not liability coverage. Instead, it pays for your own property damage if you’re at fault for a wreck. Without this coverage, you’d have to pay to repair or replace your car on your own if you caused an accident. With this coverage, the problems can be taken care of so that you can get back on the road again. 

Get Auto Insurance Today

If you don’t have auto insurance, call us at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. in Memphis, TN. 

Determine If Your Modified Motorcycle Needs More Coverage

Did you recently have work done on your motorcycle? If so, the modifications may require you to modify your existing insurance policy. You may qualify for increased coverage or a specific type of coverage. Please consult with one of our agents who serves Memphis, TN, for more help.

Mechanical Improvements

Mechanical improvements will increase the safety of your motorcycle. The improvements will make your motorcycle more valuable, too. If you performed the upgrades yourself, use your receipts to determine how much money you have invested in your bike.

If a mechanic was previously hired to upgrade your motorcycle, contact them for a copy of the repair bill. The bill will highlight the cost that you paid for each of the upgrades.


Keep track of the accessories that were installed on your bike. Some items of value may benefit from being added to your existing insurance policy. A GPS tracking device, new lights, and other modern accessories of value should be covered by your insurance. Prepare a list of accessories you would like to seek coverage for.

Safety Features

If you have chosen to add safety features to your motorcycle, they may qualify you for a discount on your insurance. You will need to furnish information about the safety upgrades during your consultation with an insurance agent.

Contact Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc.

Make sure that your motorcycle is equipped with the level of coverage you need when you are actively operating it or storing it. One of our agents representing Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. will schedule an appointment to consult with them. After your consultation, you will be able to pick out the insurance coverage type that you prefer.

FAQs About Boat Insurance

If you own a boat or watercraft, it’s important to understand boat insurance. At Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc., in Memphis, TN, we offer boat insurance. 

What Does Liability Boat Insurance Cover? 

Boat insurance typically covers bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability will cover others injured in an accident that is your fault. Property damage liability covers damage to other boats and property due to an accident that is your fault. 

What Does Property Protection Cover?

Property protection will cover your boat. If it’s damaged, this policy will cover the costs of repair or replacement. 

What is Towing and Assistance Coverage? 

Towing and assistance coverage will reimburse you if your boat needs to be towed or you need assistance. If your boat stops on the water, this policy covers towing the boat to a repair facility. It also covers battery jumpstarts and being brought gas. 

Do I Need Coverage if I Have an Inexpensive Boat? 

If you have an inexpensive boat, you may not need property protection. However, liability boat coverage is still important because it covers damage to others’ property and injuries.

Is My Boat Covered Under My Homeowner’s Policy?  

Your homeowner’s policy may provide limited coverage for your boat when it’s on your property. When you are on the water or traveling to a body of water, most homeowner’s policies don’t protect your boat. 

Who is Covered Under My Boat Insurance Policy? 

Your policy will cover anyone who is listed on the policy. It may also cover extended family, marina personnel, and other operators who use your bot occasionally. 

Reach Out To Us

If you need boat insurance in Memphis, TN, contact us at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. Our friendly and experienced agents will speak with you about the best policy for your needs. 

What Are the Different Types of Flood Insurance?

Even though flood insurance is not legally required in Tennessee, a mortgage lender might require homeowners to carry this type of insurance. There are different types of flood insurance you’ll want to consider and important reasons to make sure you carry adequate insurance in case of flooding.

The Different Types of Flood Insurance

There is government flood insurance and private flood insurance available in Memphis, TN.

Government Flood Insurance: The federal government provides flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This is also sometimes referred to as FEMA insurance. NFIP generally offers two types of coverage: building property coverage and personal property coverage. It’s important to note that government insurance is subject to a variety of regulations and restrictions that don’t apply to private insurance.

Private Flood Insurance: Increasingly, flood insurance is being provided by private companies. Private flood insurance is a great alternative to government options for several reasons. Private flood insurance is often less expensive and will sometimes provide more benefits. For example, some private insurance will offer higher levels of protection and additional coverage that NFIP doesn’t offer.

Why You Might Need This Type of Insurance

Tennessee has a lot of rivers. In fact, there are over 60,000 miles of rivers, creeks, and streams in the state. There is a great potential for flooding. The fact that most homeowner insurance policies do not cover flooding, makes it crucial to find adequate flood insurance.

Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. in Memphis TN

We can help you find the right flood insurance policy that meets your specific needs. We provide a wide range of insurance needs for our customers. Contact us at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. so we can work on making sure you’re covered!

Four ways your life insurance policy can ensure financial security for your family

Life insurance is an important financial product to purchase if you are a head of household with dependents who rely on you for financial support. You can purchase a life insurance policy in Memphis, TN from Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc.

The following are four ways your life insurance policy can ensure financial security for your family:

Life insurance provides financial support that can replace the policyholder’s income.

Your beneficiaries rely on your income. If you pass away unexpectedly, life insurance can replace your income and cover living expenses for your dependents. 

Life insurance covers funeral and burial costs for the policyholder.

Consumers shouldn’t underestimate how expensive it is to pay for funeral and burial costs. Fortunately, life insurance can cover these costs so that your surviving loved ones don’t have to pay them out of their own pocket. 

Life insurance can cover any estate tax costs.

Estate taxes can be costly and significantly reduce the value of the assets that you are able to pass on to your beneficiaries. Life insurance can pay for estate taxes so that you’re able to leave all of your assets to your surviving loved ones in your will. 

Having life insurance can ensure that surviving family members won’t lose their family home.

Without your income, it might be impossible for your surviving dependents to pay the mortgage and real estate taxes on your family’s home. However, life insurance can provide your dependents with the funds they need to keep your family’s home after you pass away. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

At Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc, we’re here to answer any life insurance questions you have. Consumers in Memphis TN can call us today for a life insurance policy quote. 

How renters insurance can help you survive a natural disaster

Natural disasters are on the rise all over the country. Being prepared to survive a natural disaster means not only preparing your rental the best you can but also protecting your possessions. At Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. in Memphis, TN, we offer a variety of different rental insurance policies to help you have financial security. If you are thinking you can save a little money by not having this valuable coverage, that is a mistake. 

Your possessions

Imagine losing everything that is in your rental to a tornado, hurricane, or wildfire. You may think that your landlord or management company has insurance that will protect you, but they don’t. They have insurance that will protect them, not you. So the building is covered but not what you own. If you lost all of your clothing, furniture, electronics, and appliances how would you cope? Do you have the money it would take to replace it all at one time? If you are like most people, it would be difficult. 

Loss of use

If your rental is damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster, where would you go? Do you have a place to stay while you look for a new rental or for your rental to be repaired? This can be expensive and finding a short-term rental can be challenging. If you have renters insurance, you will be able to stay at a hotel in the short term, and it will help pay for a temporary rental while you try to find a new place to live. 

Liability coverage

If someone is injured at your rental or by a member of your family, this insurance will help you to pay any damages and legal fees. 

Schedule A Consultation Today

Contact the office of Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. in Memphis, TN to discuss your rental insurance needs. 

Oh, Deer!

What North American animal causes the most deaths per year? It’s not the grizzly bear. It’s not the great white shark. It’s the deer! Gentle as these herbivores appear, Bambi causes an average of 200 fatalities per year from vehicular collisions. With fall coming, the chances of hitting a deer are going to start rising. Fortunately, deer can’t sue for damages. Unfortunately, you can’t sue them for damages either. So what can you do? 

What To Do If You Hit a Deer

If it is at all possible, move your car off the road and put on the emergency flashers. Call 911 and tell them where you are and what happened. Take photos and videos of the accident scene. Don’t touch the deer. It may only be stunned or injured and may lash out in fear. Those hooves and antlers can hurt! Game wardens and other authorities will take responsibility for it. Pretty sure it’s dead, and you’ve got a taste for venison? Only if you’ve got a permit. Check your car to be sure that it’s safe to drive before you go. The police might be able to help you out here. Send the documentation to your insurance agent as quickly as possible. If your vehicle needs repairs, get it done in a body shop approved of by your insurance. 

How Not to Hit a Deer

This can be tricky. Deer move quickly and freeze if startled. They are crepuscular creatures and so will be out when visibility is already low. And they don’t wear reflectors! Though it may seem counterintuitive, do not swerve if you see a deer. This can make you lose control of the vehicle. Do try to slow down, though.

Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. Serving Memphis, TN 

If you need auto insurance in the Memphis, TN area, contact Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. We will get you a fair settlement. 

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